We are a Christian, family-friendly church for all generations.
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The following principles are foundational for our understanding of church:
At the core of all Christian proclamation is the Good News of salvation through Jesus Christ. It is the life-changing truth that offers answers to the most central questions of life. This message motivates us to honor God with our whole lives and to enjoy Him forever.
The highest authority of the Church are the Old and New Testaments, which contain the 66 books of the Bible. Our sermons are therefore generally based on a biblical text and interpret it in its original context with application to our life situation today.
To the legitimate question, „How is the Bible to be interpreted?“ we answer with the Westminster Standards. These are composed of the Westminster Confession of Faith, the Larger and Smaller Westminster Catechisms. The Confessions of Faith are a fallible but helpful summary of the Christian faith.
The leadership of each church within our denomination consists of elders. These elders, which include a pastor (a teaching elder) and other elders, along with elders from other local churches, make up the presbytery. The presbytery is the regional expression of our governance structure, which has great benefit to each congregation in terms of encouragement, prayer, accountability, and unity.
God builds His relationship with man through covenants. An organic unity is recognized between the Old and New Covenants. The culmination of these various covenants is manifested in the person and work of Jesus Christ. The covenantal approach to the Bible affects our method of preaching, our understanding of the sacraments, i.e., baptism and the Lord’s Supper, and our view of discipleship in the family.
Means of Grace
In our congregational life, the emphasis is on the simple and powerful elements of faith, the so-called „means of grace,“ which characterized the early Christian church – these are biblical preaching, the Lord’s Supper, baptism, and prayer (Acts 2:42).
Man was originally created in the image of God. This divine design included the desire to live in harmony with other human beings. We hope that our congregation will contribute to the building of a living community of people. Practically this is expressed by a loving and warm-hearted fellowship, in which especially children should feel comfortable.
It is our sincere desire that our members feel that they are cared for spiritually, practically and pastorally. We inquire about the welfare of others, share and pray for one another.